Ocean Alliance Against Offshore Drilling
© Marten van Dijl / Greenpeace.

Drilling for fossil fuels is killing marine life, habitats and our chances of a sustainable future

We are united against this needless death and destruction.

We’re calling for an immediate ban on all new oil and gas developments in UK seas.

Oil Spill Map

Toxic spills are poisoning UK seas every day. Our map exposes the truth from the governments own reports, and it’s not good.

View Map

Who We Are

The alliance is made up of hundreds of individuals and organisations who want to end drilling once and for all.

Oceana Patagonia Uplift Greenpeace
Oceanographic Surfrider Foundation Angling Trust Finisterre
Surfers Against Sewage Parents for Future UK Wildlife and Countryside Link Whale and Dolphin Conservation
Cornwall Climate Care Aberdeen University Marine Society Blue Marine Foundation